
Please click on the link below for complete information, including a map, of our drop off and pick up procedures. 

Harper Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures

Arrival & Breakfast

Doors Open at 8:00 am. Students will be allowed to enter the school building starting at 8:00 AM unless enrolled in Morning Daycare. Any student arriving before 8:00 AM will be sent to Morning Daycare for a fee.

Schools Start is 8:30 am.

• Harper will continue to use separate entry points for bus riders and students arriving by car. Students arriving by car will continue to drop off in front of the building on Alvord Boulevard to enter through Doors 1 or 2.

• During the student “Drop-off” process, we ask for your help with the following practices.
 - Please be mindful of speed and other vehicles.
 - Pull vehicles forward towards the school as much as possible to maintain traffic flow.
 - Avoid parking/exiting vehicles directly in front of the building as this disrupts traffic flow.
 - Utilize the support of our staff to assist with traffic flow and directions.

• Starting at 8:00 AM, students will report directly to their assigned classroom and be supervised by their homeroom teacher or staff member.

• If a student needs breakfast, they should proceed to the cafeteria at arrival to pick up a grab-and-go breakfast to eat in the classroom. The school day will begin at 8:30 am.


• School Ends at 3:25

• Bus Dismissal: Students who ride the bus will be escorted to the bus by their homeroom teacher or staff member.

• Car Rider Dismissal: Students who are picked up by motor vehicle will be escorted to the front of the building by an adult. Dismissal begins at 3:20.

 - We ask families to use/display our parent-pick-up green “Car-tag” to support the dismissal process and for inclement weather situations.

 - Please be mindful of traffic flow and utilize the guidance of our staff to ensure quick & safe dismissal.

• Daycare Dismissal: Students staying after school for Daycare will be escorted to the designated area by an adult.

Early Pickup / Dismissal Plans:

• Please make every attempt to communicate with your child’s teacher before school or the school office if you anticipate an early pick-up or change in after school dismissal plan.

• We ask that students not be pick-up between 2:45-3:20 unless the communication is provided ahead of time. This helps alleviate the afternoon dismissal process & ensures accurate dismissal plans are followed.
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