Reading is key to your student’s future learning which is why it is so important for all our students to learn to read by the third grade! As we continue to settle into this school year, we wanted to take this opportunity to reiterate the importance of reading and share information regarding the supports that are available to your student to help them reach this milestone.
One of the ways we can reach this goal is by working together! In addition to the school-based supports outlined below, we encourage families to read to their students for 30 minutes each day. Reading together at home, visiting the library, and encouraging a love for books can make a significant difference.
What our school is doing to help your student learn to read:
- Universal Screener: To give your child the best support possible, it’s important to know what they’re doing well and where they might need a little extra help. Students in kindergarten through second grade will take a screening test, and we’ll share the results with you. This helps us work together to give your child the right support as early as possible.
- Multiple Opportunities to Demonstrate Reading Proficiency: In second grade, students will take the state’s IREAD test. If needed, there will be an option to retake it in the summer. Having these early testing opportunities before third grade helps us see if your student is on track with their reading. This way, we can continue working together to provide any extra support they may need.
If your student shows they’re reading at the right level in second grade, they won’t need to take the test again. If they’re still building their reading skills, they’ll get additional support and can take the IREAD test again in third grade (in the spring) and over the summer if a retest is necessary. All IREAD results will be shared with parents/families.
- Free Summer Learning Opportunities: Students who need additional reading support after taking the IREAD test in the second and third grades will have the opportunity to participate in a summer reading course provided by the EVSC at no cost to families. This summer learning opportunity will be taught using the Science of Reading, which research shows is the most effective way to help a child learn to read.
If a child is still having trouble reading by the end of third grade, even after getting extra help, state law requires that they may have to repeat third grade (this is only a last resort). However, there are some exceptions. Certain students can qualify for a Good Cause Exemption (GCE), which means they won’t have to repeat third grade. Students eligible for a
GCE include:
- A student who has previously been retained in third grade;
- A student with an intellectual disability, whose Individualized Education Program (IEP) or case conference committee specifies that promotion to the next grade level is appropriate;
- A student who is an identified English learner (EL) who has received services for fewer than two years and has an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) committee that determines promotion to the next grade level is appropriate;
- A student who achieved a performance level of “Proficient” or “Above Proficient” on the third grade ILEARN Mathematics assessment; or
- A student who has received two or more years of intensive intervention in reading aligned to science of reading and was retained more than once during kindergarten, first grade, or second grade.
All students who have not passed IREAD-3, whether they are retained in third grade for an additional year or are promoted to fourth grade due to a Good Cause Exemption, will continue to receive reading support and are required to retake IREAD-3 until they pass or upon completion of sixth grade.
Thank you for your attention to this letter and for allowing us to be a partner in your child’s future success! We encourage you to reach out to us at any time with questions or concerns.